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What You should Know About Toenail Fungus


It is estimated that over 35 million people face the yellow, brittle, and sometimes-painful symptoms associated with fingernail and toenail fungus (a disease or condition also called onychomycosis). Fungi can creep underneath nails on the toes and fingers, causing a nail infection. It is characterized by thickening and a yellow or cloudy appearance to the toenail or finger nail. ........ While this problem usually can be treated with medication, keeping nails on your hands and feet clean and dry can help prevent nail fungus. Some Risk Factors

There are several risk factors to consider when it comes to developing onychomycosis.

Older people, for example, have nails that grow slower and they’ve been exposed to more fungi over the years....

......Family history of infections can factor in, and people with weaker immune systems or diabetes are also at increased risk of developing toenail fungus.

An athlete is often more prone to toenail fungus, as their feet can sweat often and remain damp.....

........Athlete’s foot is a condition that often precedes or accompanies toenail fungus.

Having a minor skin or nail injury or a skin condition, such as psoriasis,

.......Walking barefoot in damp communal areas, such as swimming pools, gyms and shower rooms.

.......These are all High Risk Factors that you should now be aware of.

Several things make it especially challenging to treat toenail fungus:

  • The thickness of the nail can pose a barrier between treatment and the fungus under the nail.

  • Additionally, the time it takes for a healthy nail to grow back varies from person to person. Even after the fungus has been eliminated, nail regrowth can sometimes take a year or longer.

  • Recurrence is a common problem with onychomycosis.

  • Toenail fungus can be contagious. If you have toenail fungus, we recommend you use shower sandals and try to avoid direct contact with others’ feet.

Toenail fungus is an infection that lives underneath the nail, in the skin of the nail bed. Toenail fungus is more than a cosmetic concern.

Whether to treat a fungal nail infection is up to you. If it isn't treated, it won't go away. It might get worse. If you decide to treat a fungal nail infection, there are several

home remedies or you can try a nonprescription anti fungal medicine that comes in a cream, lotion, or nail polish.

Your doctor can also prescribe a stronger medicine. You may need to use this medicine for a few weeks or for as long as a year. Even so, it may not get rid of the infection.

Don't Forget To Check Out Our Next Post On Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus!

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